Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Don't you fucking dare...

Via Pandagon and Pam's House Blend I ended up reading this lovely little quote:

"'The whole point of the CD is to develop a heart for the homosexual,' said Bennett. 'While it is critical for churches to resist the effort to normalize homosexuality in our society, it is equally important for the church to reach out to these hurting, broken people.'"

Some more schmucks are selling their dignity for dollars, starting a radio show about ex-gay crap and have developed more products to sell to religious bigots who want to fix the people in their family/congregation/neighborhood who don't fit their butch/fem charicature of ideal humanity and drive more kids to suicide and self immolation. I won't swallow a drop of your stupid 'be nice about it and they will listen to you' bile and don't you dare say this is about churches reaching "out to these hurt broken people." I'm not interested in you being nice or arguing the Bible with you. I don't doubt for a second that you are being sincere in what you are doing (actually, I do, but I'll extend the benefit of the doubt for the time being) and I know exactly what kind of fucked up contortions a politically christian mindset will go through to try to grab hold of those first feelings of finally being mainstream and less of an anathema to the general populace and I know how the status quo enforcers will support and encourage your capitulation to their world view. I can imagine a gay person who can't get past the idea that being gay is nothing more than having sex with men might never develop anything more than a sexualized understanding of their homosexuality and see promiscuity as analogous to homosexuality rather than a part of how they themselves are approaching it and thus find retreat into a woman's arms something of a welcome escape. You may love your wife and you are married now and that is all good and well and I wouldn't begrudge you your hard won 'normalcy', but don't you fucking dare step out and end a sentence in the first half of which you iterate the importance of churches trying to make life worse, more difficult and more marginal for gay people with patronizingly calling us "hurt, broken people."

Yeah, asshole, there are a lot of hurt broken people out there and a lot of hurt, broken gay people, but do you ever stop and think about why gay folks tend to be more likely to commit suicide? Assholes like you trying to reinforce the idea that their innate feelings are evil and deranged and abbhorrant. You aren't going to fuck with those of us who made it out on the otherside of dealing with our demons and have made peace with the the-way-it-is-supposed-to-be shit we were force fed to internalize, but your crap hurts the folks who haven't made it and you are trying to make sure they don't. Because you didn't.

One more holy asshole out to make a buck off of other folks pain. Make sure you are getting a decent cut of the profit, because you better believe they are using your ex gay ass to make a dollar. Bigotry sells, and nothing makes it go down smoother than some turncoat willing to sell the idea that it is a noble cause. you deciding you want to spend your life with a woman and have a family, fine. You marketing that desicion as a device for mass marketing bigotry, go fuck yourself.

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